Dashboard Set Up
This is the first screen to appear when you login to Function Tracker.
This page provides you with a snap shot of your current event bookings including your personal reminders and event follow ups. The Dashboard Boxes are able to be drag and dropped into the order you want – minimised or deleted as required.
Menu Toggle allows you to enlarge/decrease the side menu.
Quick Calendars allow you to see when you have event bookings at a glance and quickly move to a day of your choice.
All Reminders can be seen by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen or by clicking on Admin at the top right hand side of the screen. Reminders can be set for an event. Reminders are date and time driven and can be sent to yourself, a colleague or your customer. If a reminder is sent to a colleague or customer it will be sent to their email.
System Messages - or important information from Function Tracker will appear by clicking on the system messages icon – the number indicates how many messages.
Search - You can Search by Event Title/ Name, Contact Name, Event Type, Event Number, Invoice Number.
Clicking Admin will take you into your subscription details. These are secure pages where you can manage your subscription and payment details, and allows you to update your password.
Dashboard Settings
Your Dashboard page is unique to your own login and can be customised by clicking on the Dashboard Settings at the top right of the screen.