Manage Spaces

Space names refer to your room / event space. The number you indicate as the maximum guests can be overridden if you have created area capacity overrides in the event space layout options.

Click “Add New” to add a new space name.

The number you indicate as the maximum guests can be overridden if you have created event space capacity overrides in the event space layout options.

Min and Max guests are the limits of the numbers of people that reservations are accepted for that particular room.

Staff booking is set to allow users with staff level access to create events in those spaces.

Allow Multiple Bookings when checked will allow users to create multiple overlapping events which could result in double bookings. Selecting ‘No’ will ensure that only one confirmed event in that space will be allowed in a single time slot.

The background option allows you to change the colour that the space displays on the calendar. Click on the Default colour, and select from the palette.

Please note if a space is deleted – all records of past and future bookings will be deleted. It is advisable to re name a space rather than delete. By clicking on the trash can symbol the room will be deleted.

Manage Event Space Costings

Click on the manage event space costings icon to set up your hire costs. Each of your cost categories ie,normal, discount and peak rate costs can be entered for the individual event spaces into the grid. Enter the cost for individual days or complete the ‘All Days’ field to apply the rate for the duration of the week.

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