Changelog June 2020
- Calendar - Added options for start and end time for Day View
- Catering Menus – Added "Mise En Place" - this will show information only on the Kitchen Sheet under each item. So for example on the Kitchen Sheet we would see: Beefburger and new text underneath "Use Prime Beef and Serve With French Fries" - it is only for Kitchen Sheet.
- CT Shop – Changed Order Logic
- CT Shop - PayPal updated search so we can search by PayPal transaction number.
- Day Notes - Under User Management, added new option after current "Edit Day Notes" called "Print Day Notes" - by default it is turned on. If turned off, when user prints / creates PDF or emails calendar view, the day notes will not appear. Only Super Admin can change these settings.
- Equipment and Custom Menus - Updated Equipment, Transport and Custom menu items so user can edit and change cost.
- Event Registration - Added option for email and address to send admin notification of "New Attendee"
- Event Table - Added buttons like default calendar to show "This Month", "This Week"
- Event Table - Added dropdown filters, for example Show By Created Date - Start Date TO Date, and Show Events Between - Start Date To End Date
- Event Table - Added print / export current page, not all events, just what is on screen.
- Guest List - Added option under Side Menu > Admin > Event Settings > Guest Lists - for "Open Public Guest List(s) X Days Before Event" and "Close Public Guest List(s) X Days Before Event"
- Guest List - Updated to show all Guest List fields in print out.
- Guest List - Added new field to Guest List called "Dietary Requirements" - show this on public guest list edit also. for
- Inventory Checking – Made Inventory Checking quicker
- Invoices - Updated preview invoice to show generated total cost.
- Mailchimp - Added a Tick Box to send the details to MailChimp. - If option in admin panel to not send to MailChimp is turned on, we will not see option on Contact Company
- Members Database - Added new fields for "Member Since" (text box) - "Renewing ? (yes / no)" - "Renewal Date (Date)" - "Old Information" (text box)
- Payment Reports - Added a filter to the Payment Report and the Payments Overview for Event Status
- Payment Reports - Added Invoice Number on screen and also on print and export to excel
- Venue Guests - Covid Tracing - Added a public form for each subdomain. It will be a form where a person enters their Name, Mobile and Email. Name and Mobile are Mandatory. The data is then saved to a table called Venue Guests. With a Date and Time when the data was entered into the form. Generated a QR code in JPG and PDF format for the form URL, so that the QR code can be printed or added to posters. This is for COVID tracing.