Edit a Customer
By clicking on the information icon you can view the customers details. You then have the option to click on the edit icon which appears on the top right hand side of the screen. Use the scroll bar to see all the fields available to edit.
A contact type can be selected for the customer. (The options for this drop down field is customised under admin > event settings > contact types)
A sales manager can be assigned to a customer when editing the customer details and selecting a sales manager / system user from the drop down field.
Additional contacts can be added to a company or customer if there are more than one contact.
A Billing Contact can be entered if the accounts contact is different to the main contact who appears in the event details. The billing contact details will automatically appear when generating an invoice for the event.
Customer Notes are for internal use only, they only appear in the customer area and will not appear on any of the event documents for the customer.
Event File Notes are also for internal use only. These notes have been entered in the event details under file notes and are automatically dated and stored here in the file notes. This allows you to see all the file notes for a particular customer across all the events they have had with you in one centralised spot.
Events for this Customer shows you all the events the customer has had with you in the past or any future events in the calendar. Event spend and any outstanding costs will also appear in this area for your reference.
By clicking on any of the events will take you into the event details.
Email Log keeps a log of the emails you have sent to your customers directly from Function Tracker. A copy of the actual email is not kept. It is advised for users to also CC themselves into the email when sending to their client to keep a copy of the correspondence.
Click on the Settings cog on the top right hand side of the screen for additional features. The auto update is switched to Yes by default. This will automatically update any customer details at the event level that you edit here in the Customer area.